In this installment of The Bentonville Beacon, James Bell hosts Chef Rafael Rios, Founder and CEO of Yeyo’s. Yeyo's stands out as a celebrated culinary enterprise in Bentonville and Northwest Arkansas, acclaimed for its authentic Mexican cuisine and dedication to sustainable farming practices. This journey began with the Rios Family Farm and one of Bentonville's first food trucks, eventually expanding into multiple venues, including a restaurant in Bentonville’s 8th Street Market and a mezcaleria in downtown Rogers. Yeyo's is distinguished by its farm-to-table approach, using fresh ingredients from the family's farms to craft flavorful and traditional Mexican dishes. Chef Rios has been recognized as a multi-time James Beard Semifinalist, underscoring Yeyo's exceptional culinary quality and innovation. This prestigious acknowledgment places Yeyo's among America's top culinary experiences, highlighting its commitment to excellence and deep-rooted passion for Mexican food culture. During the discussion, Rafael shares how his familial heritage has shaped Yeyo’s approach to cuisine, how he blends his roots with the local culture and how Yeyo’s remains true to its farm-to-table philosophy while providing distinct experiences at each of its establishments.